Consumer Information
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to students. The following information is disclosed to you as a student at Westmoreland County Community College in compliance with federal law.
Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information
Students are notified annually of the easiest ways to find institutional and financial aid information that pertains to them, including information that is made available on the Westmoreland website, MyWestmoreland portal and in the college catalog.
Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information
Prospective and current students can obtain assistance in obtaining institutional or financial aid information by emailing infocenterFREEWESTMORELAND or calling 724-925-4000.
General Institutional Information
- Academic programs
- Accreditation, approval and licensure of institution and programs
- Biennial Review
- Career services
- Consumer information on College Navigator website: This federal Department of Education web site allows students to view information that colleges are required to report and allows you to compare colleges on factors such as size, student body characteristics, academic programs, tuition and other costs, athletics and other factors.
- Copyright infringement - policies and sanctions/computer use and file sharing
- Credit course fees
- Facilities and services for students with disabilities
- Faculty
- Instructional facilities
- Net Price Calculator
- Price of attendance
- Privacy of student records - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Refund policy
- Return of federal financial aid
- Student activities
- Student diversity
- Textbook information
- Transfer of credit policies and articulation agreements
- Withdrawal from courses
Accredited Program Outcomes
Equity in Athletics Report
- Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)
Health and Safety
- Biennial Review of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
- Campus Security and Police
- Emergency Response Manual
- Annual Safety & Security Report
- Monthly Crime Log
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
- Vaccination policies: Westmoreland does not require certification of vaccination from students or employees.
Student Complaint Process
Procedure for resolution involving grades and academic issues:
The following procedure is recommended for those instances in which a student has an academic concern:
- The student should make an appointment with the faculty member to discuss the problem.
- If the student feels that he/she cannot meet with the faculty member, he/she should seek the advice of his/her faculty advisor and/or counselor.
- If he/she has seen the faculty member and is still not satisfied, the student should make an appointment with the division dean to whom the faculty member reports.
- If the concern is not resolved at the division level, the student should make an appointment with the vice president of Academic Affairs.
- If the concern is still not resolved after meeting with the vice president of Academic Affairs, the student may request an appointment with the president. The decision of the president in these matters is final.
The college expects students to maintain high standards of academic integrity in all college courses.
After the complaint has been reported to all of the above parties, and it is still not resolved, the student may submit the complaint to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
A student who has a financial aid complaint must report the issue to the Director of Financial Aid. A student who has an advising, counseling or student life complaint must report the issue to the Director of Student Success. A student who has an athletics complaint must report the issue to the Director of Athletics. A student who has an admissions complaint must report the issue to the Registrar.
If no resolution can be reached after the initial report to the appropriate director, the student must submit the complaint to the Vice President of Enrollment.
If the issue is still not resolved, the student may submit the complaint to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Students may also file a complaint with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Student Financial Assistance
- Assistance available from federal, state, local and institutional programs
- Exit counseling for student borrowers - Westmoreland uses Department of Education Exit Counseling. Comprehensive information is provided to borrowers shortly before they cease at least half-time study at the institution. For more information, please visit this page.
- Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations: In order to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, each year Westmoreland distributes to all students a brochure that outlines the Westmoreland Drug-Free Schools Policy as it relates to the HEOA section 488(g) and the HEA section 485(k).
- Initial Loan Counseling for Student Borrowers - Westmoreland uses Department of Education Entrance Counseling. Comprehensive information is provided to each borrower on the terms and conditions of the loan and the borrower's responsibilities.
- Institutional Code of Conduct for Education Loans
- Preferred Lender Lists and Preferred Lender Arrangements: Westmoreland County Community College does not participate in preferred lender arrangements. See more information about Westmoreland and lending on our Student Lending Code of Conduct page.
- Student loan information
Student Outcomes and Student Right-to-Know Act
- Financial Aid Outcomes
- Retention Rates
- Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates
- Graduation and transfer-out rates for students receiving athletically-related student aid: Westmoreland is a NJCAA Division III "non-athletic scholarship" institution and does not designate student athletic aid monies to our students for athletic intent. All student athletes receive the same opportunities for financial aid/scholarships/loans for which all Westmoreland students are eligible.
- Graduate outcomes/Employment rates for graduates
Teacher Preparation Program Report
Westmoreland County Community College does not prepare teachers for initial state certification or licensure and is, therefore, not required to submit a Teacher Preparation Program Report.
Voter Registration
Constitution Day
Constitution Day is an American federal observance on September 17 that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. Each year, we celebrate with special activities for students and faculty.