Resources | Westmoreland County Community College, Youngwood, Pennsylvania


The resources on this page represent just a few of the options that are available to you as a faculty member at Westmoreland.

If these resources do not meet your needs or if you’re not quite sure what you’re looking for, contact ctlFREEWESTMORELAND, and we’ll not only help you find something, we’ll add it to this page.


Use: Record screen and webcam, add quiz questions to videos, upload and link to videos

Where: D2L (Course Admin → YuJa Video), Westmoreland Gmail, Westmoreland YuJa (

How: YuJa Help Resources




Use: Record or stream remote lecture

Where: Center for Teaching and Learning Suite (Youngwood Campus)

How: Schedule with ctlFREEWESTMORELAND


Use: Record or stream remote and blended course sessions, hold office hours, host online meetings

Where: (sign in with your Westmoreland Google account)

How: Zoom Guide for Faculty


Use: Record video responses in D2L

Where: D2L

How: Insert Stuff button → Video Note


Video Note

Use: Display documents on a large screen (modern transparency machine)

Where: Classrooms across Westmoreland County Community College, reserve one for remote teaching with the Center for Teaching and Learning



Use: Annotate course materials as a class, conduct discussions. 

Where: D2L (Existing Activities → Perusall),


Example: Try Perusall (requires a Perusall account → Use your Westmoreland email to register)


Beyond Teaching

Use: Provides affordable course materials, research and citation assistance, reading for leisure

Where: Youngwood Campus (Student Achievement Center), Westmoreland Centers (via interoffice mail), D2L (Existing Activities → Library Resources), Westmoreland Library


Use: Supports student learning and effort

Where: Youngwood Campus (In-person and Zoom) and Centers (Zoom), D2L (College Resources → BrainFuse), Tutoring Services, MyWestmoreland

Contact: (724) 925-4135

Use: Offers major and career resources, resume and cover letter outlines, interview and job preparation, employer events

Where: Youngwood Campus (Student Achievement Center), Westmoreland Centers (schedule varies), Zoom, Career Connections Center Student Resources Site


Use: Provides information for financial assistance, military benefits, disability services, mental health counseling and referrals, food insecurity, formula/diaper needs, transportation, community resource referrals, and legal advocacy services
Where: Youngwood Campus (Student Achievement Center), Westmoreland Centers

Contact: infocenterFREEWESTMORELAND (to schedule an appointment)

Use: To improve strengths and weaknesses

Where: In-person (Youngwood Campus), Online (Zoom), and Recorded (Faculty Development and Professional Development)

When: Links to Faculty and Professional Development schedule


What: Recording when a student has not attended (in-person) or completed an activity (online).

When: Within the first two weeks of a course

How: Audit Roster Steps

Contact: Division Technician

What: Official submission of a student’s course performance

When: End of a course

How: Submitting Final Grades

Contact: Division Technician

When to award an N and why: When a student has completed some course work and stopped participating before 75% of the course timeline was finished. This is considered an unearned failure due to lack of academic activity.

When to award an F and why: When a student has completed the course work but has not earned enough points to achieve a higher grade. This is considered an earned failure due to poor performance.

When to award an I and why: When an active student is on track to receive a passing grade, but a reasonable event prevents them from finishing the course. An Incomplete Grade Contract must be submitted to the Division Dean for approval.

If you have any questions about which grade to award, contact your Division Dean.

What: An opportunity for students to comment on their course experience

When: Near the end of each course

How: Full-time Faculty → By Request (to Division Technician), Adjunct Faculty → Required

Where: D2L (D2L Homepage → My Evaluations and Surveys block)

Contact: Division Technician or Dean